Notice Board
Next Meeting on Wednesday 18thSeptember2024
The next meeting of the Paphiopedilum Society of New South Wales, Inc. will be held on Wednesday 18th September 2024 at the Ermington Community Centre Hall, 6 River Road, Ermington, NSW 2115. The hall opens at 7.00 pm for setup. Activities start at 7.30 pm with the general meeting and judging of plants at 8.00 pm.
At the September meeting, John Chang will show us the highlights of the 23rd World Orchid Conference and Show held in Taiwan earlier in the year.
The current Point Score Competition started with the December 2023 meeting and will continue to the November 2024 meeting. The benching classes for 2024 remain the same as in 2023.
Please remember to bring your own drinking utensil as disposable cups will no longer be supplied by the society. Members are encourage to bring something to share for supper.
Membership Subscriptions
Membership fees for the 2024 financial year are due on 1st January 2024.
New members joining in 2024: Single: $20. Couples $30.
Members who joined after August 2023 have their membership extended to the end of December 2024.
Membership fees may be paid directly into the Society's bank account.
Account name: Pahiopedilum Society of NSW, Inc.
BSB: 032090 Account Number: 828552
Please ensure that your payment can be identified by including your surname and initials in the transfer details.
Membership of the Paphiopedilum Society of NSW, Inc. entitles you to many benefits including great raffle plants, sales table plants, subsidised growing competition plants, a monthly newsletter and discounts on plants by some orchid nurseries.
To continue receiving your newsletter, please ensure that your subscription is paid up. 1st of January is the start of the financial year for the Paphiopedilum Society of NSW.